SRHR Resource Centre

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Being Queer and Becoming a Parent: the Possibilities  

This resource is intended to be an indicative primer on a few (non-traditional) parenting routes for queer individuals and couples. This is not an exhaustive or foolproof guide. Given the ever-changing nature of legislations and government regulations around trans and...
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Ayush’s Journey – A roadmap to transmasculine transitioning

Author: Avali (they/them) For as long as Ayush could remember, he had a feeling that he was different. Not good, not bad, but different. Before he picked out a shiny new name for himself and became known as Ayush –...
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Kriti’s Journey: A Roadmap to Transfeminine Transitioning

7th of January, 1994, was a happy day for my family, a son was born after quite a while. I often hear from my mother, the day I was brought home from the hospital was, according to her, a queer...
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Policies for Trans and Queer People based on Constitutional Rights and Legislations in India

Formation of Policies in India Policies are formulated based on laws, regulations, directives and budget allocation by State and Central government. They can be changed as per the assessments of benefit and impact they make. It includes development, execution, assessment...
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Constitutional provisions, Legislations and Relevant Court Orders for the Rights of Queer and Transgender people

Constitution of India became effective on 26 January 1950. It includes framework for the conduct of political practice, primary stakeholders, process, powers and duties of government institution and set of fundamental rights and directive principles for the state policy. There...
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Medical Transitioning Guide

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Affirmations Beyond Surgeries

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A Guide to Chest Binding

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Violence in Sexual Scripts and Queering Consent: Perspectives from BDSM and Asexuality

Thanks to the Me Too movement and consistent feminist activism, we have started talking about consent and sexual violence in India. There is an important component that is often overlooked—sexual scripts. Heteronormative and patriarchal norms impact sexual behaviors causing harm...
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