HPV: A Comprehensive Guide to Prevention, Detection, and Management
हिन्दी में पढ़ें Introduction Rohan (pseudonym) noticed small skin growths in his genital area and was worried that it is genital wart. He visited his provider to understand what needs to be done. On examination, his doctor reassured him that...
Kriti’s Journey: A Roadmap to Transfeminine Transitioning
7th of January, 1994, was a happy day for my family, a son was born after quite a while. I often hear from my mother, the day I was brought home from the hospital was, according to her, a queer...
Policies for Trans and Queer People based on Constitutional Rights and Legislations in India
Formation of Policies in India Policies are formulated based on laws, regulations, directives and budget allocation by State and Central government. They can be changed as per the assessments of benefit and impact they make. It includes development, execution, assessment...
Constitutional provisions, Legislations and Relevant Court Orders for the Rights of Queer and Transgender people
Constitution of India became effective on 26 January 1950. It includes framework for the conduct of political practice, primary stakeholders, process, powers and duties of government institution and set of fundamental rights and directive principles for the state policy. There...
Medical Transitioning Guide
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