Deepapriya Vishwanathan

Dr Deepapriya Vishwanathan

Deepapriya Vishwanathan

11 Years

Deepapriya (She/Her) is a trained queer affirmative therapist, with an in-depth understanding of the impact that marginalisation can have on one’s mental health. She takes a holistic approach while working with her clients to understand their lived reality and by aiming to provide a safe and empathetic space for them to process things without fear or judgement. Along with symptom reduction, she believes it is important to understand the systemic factors contributing to the individual’s distress and address them to facilitate the change expected but the client. She is kink and sex-positive and is trained to work with clients practising ethical non-monogamy.

Services Offered:

  • Couple Counselling
  • Humanist Approach
  • Psychotherapy


About Health Service Provider

Queer-Affirmative Counselling Practitioner, Mariwala Health Initiative,
M.Phil social sciences (TISS 2014)
MA Applied Psychology (clinical) (Mumbai university, 2010)

Work Experience

11 Years

Clinic Info

Friday 6PM- 8PM,
Sunday 5PM-8PM


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