Safe Access works toward enabling access to affirmative healthcare for LGBTQ+ communities across India.

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HPV: A Comprehensive Guide to Prevention, Detection, and Management

हिन्दी में पढ़ें Introduction Rohan (pseudonym) noticed small skin growths in his genital area and was worried that it is genital wart. He visited his provider to understand what needs to be done. On examination,...
Read More about HPV: A Comprehensive Guide to Prevention, Detection, and Management

Deep Dive into PrEP and PEP – Queering the Sex-Ed

Author: Dr. Swathi SB Co- Author: Dr. Praneeth Pillala Multiple effective strategies are accessible to people to prevent acquiring HIV infection. This includes using condoms during sex, avoiding sharing of needles while using drugs, periodic...
Read More about Deep Dive into PrEP and PEP – Queering the Sex-Ed

Ayush’s Journey – A roadmap to transmasculine transitioning

Author: Avali (they/them) For as long as Ayush could remember, he had a feeling that he was different. Not good, not bad, but different. Before he picked out a shiny new name for himself and...
Read More about Ayush’s Journey – A roadmap to transmasculine transitioning

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